Friday, October 28, 2011

Progress, slow and steady

     Hi all, please forgive the delay.  We have been settling into our new home and long commutes and new school... Safe to say we're finally in a routine.

     We are so close to our $10K goal... progress on the house is slow and steady.  Wiring has been completed, but the house is STILL too wet for sheetrock.  Plumbing should begin soon.  The progress is held up by the fact that insurance has not given a final word on how much they will cover.. and it may not be as much as originally hoped for.

     Paula, Tony, Nan and Pop are currently pretty comfortable in a rental situation just outside of Owego.  On a less positive note, Poppy's health is stable but not great, as he struggles with congestive heart failure.  Nana, however, has been caught walking independently and saying things like, "Well Bill, I guess we're going down in a blaze of glory".  You gotta love it!  We think she's trying to escape back to Eatontown.

     I am officially crossing the line from fundraising to begging... we'd love to get to that 10K mark so we can cut a substantial check and send it along.... please spread the word!!

Saturday, October 8, 2011


Please forgive my lapse in posting progress - my family just moved and we were offine and off phone for a week! In that time, your generosity added another $655 to the fund, bringing us to...


This number only includes online donations - if we include offline donations, the total comes to:

$8, 062

There are some great updates going on, as well.   Paula, Tony, Nana, and Poppy have been reunited in Owego thanks to the offer of a local who had a home for rent.  Both Nana and Poppy seem to be taking turns for the better in regards to their health, now that they are temporarily settled back into a familiar area.  The deconstruction and reconstruction is happening slowly but surely, and most importantly - steadily.  

Thank you so much for your support - and spread the word!!

The Juska Family